Click on the dogs name for the pedigree information.
Cora Vamoz Bohemia
Cora is a light sable female imported from our litter in Czech Republic. She is a large female that is titled ZVV1. She is a dog with high prey drive and energy levels. She's a very level headed dog that could be great in all training venues.
From her father's side, Qvido Vedepen-the world champion, she inherited the prey drive along with the desire to please the handler. The mothers side added intensity and the Anrebri pedigree lines used for police dogs.
Cora will be used to produce high prey dogs for police, competition, or very active environment.
Hips: HD-A. Elbows: 0/0
From her father's side, Qvido Vedepen-the world champion, she inherited the prey drive along with the desire to please the handler. The mothers side added intensity and the Anrebri pedigree lines used for police dogs.
Cora will be used to produce high prey dogs for police, competition, or very active environment.
Hips: HD-A. Elbows: 0/0
Quin Rapax Bohemia
Quin is a black sable female imported from Czech Republic. She is a large size dog that is tilted ZVV1. She has a high drive when engaged with the energy and focus to sustain long training sessions. She is dog that truly enjoys protection work.
From her father's side, Quin has the old Czech working lines used in the border parol. The mother pedigree adds some of the best German working lines.
Quin will be used to add drive, intensity and structure to her progeny.
Hips: HD-A Elbows:0/0 DM:N/N
From her father's side, Quin has the old Czech working lines used in the border parol. The mother pedigree adds some of the best German working lines.
Quin will be used to add drive, intensity and structure to her progeny.
Hips: HD-A Elbows:0/0 DM:N/N
Iza Caine de Lup
Iza is a black sable female from our own breeding program, Grimm and Collet litter. She is a large female with a high prey drive and great defense, she is also titled ZVV1. She has a balanced pedigree with the Czech lines adding real natural defense from her father's side. From her mother's side she inherited the high prey/hunt drive and intensity. She will be used to produce dogs with natural instincts to protect, large bones and dark pigment.
Hips: HD-B Elbows: 0/0 DM Clear.
Hips: HD-B Elbows: 0/0 DM Clear.
Fara z Jimmyho lesa
Noby Vamoz Bohemia
Noby is a medium size dark sable female, DOB 03-03-2018, titled ZVV1. Noby is a fast, agile and high desire to engage with the handler temperament type dog. She thrives in defense and obedience work. Her father's side adds the Czech lines to her pedigree known for the natural defense. From her mother's side she inherited the German working lines, adding high drive and the desire to interact with her handler making her great in obedience. She will be used to produce dogs suitable for family protection, personal protection or law enforcement dual purpose dogs.
Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 DM-Clear
Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 DM-Clear
Karen Ir-Sed
Karen is a solid black import female which is titled IGP1. From her mother and father side she is breed on a lot of well renowned German working lines known for drive/intensity and desire to please the handler.
Karen is one of the best balanced temperament female, she can go from intense protection to playing with the family and kids. She will add drive, focus and balance to her progeny. She is line-breed to: Tyson von der Schiffslache Hips and Elbows 0/0. DM- Clear. |
Zada Caine de Lup **Retired**
Zada is a large black sable female. She is a very tough dog, geared towards protection. She can only be handled by her owner. Her personality is not one for sport, but has a very high ball drive and high energy. She produces puppies that are ideal for personal protection and law enforcement. Her sire is a k-9 dog in the mid-west and her grandfather, Erri z Blatenskeho Zamku, is a two time world competitor. She is 100% Czech lines and is line bred to:
3-3 Mambo z Pohranicni straze
4-4 Jupp z Jirkova dvora
4-4 4CU1/NQveeny z dudakova cs
5-5 Baro vom Kühlen Norden
5-5 Koran z Pohranicni straze
Hips, Elbows: Normal
DM Clear.
3-3 Mambo z Pohranicni straze
4-4 Jupp z Jirkova dvora
4-4 4CU1/NQveeny z dudakova cs
5-5 Baro vom Kühlen Norden
5-5 Koran z Pohranicni straze
Hips, Elbows: Normal
DM Clear.